Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Big Black Cloud Over My House

Another big, black cloud has settled over my house. Grandpa J was given notice last Thursday that his job is being RIFFED. His last day of work is June 18. We are scrambling to assess our financial situation. My spirits are way low right now and I'm just trying to find the tiniest smidge of hope and faith in the future. Most of you know I am mostly a private person when it comes to things like this, so please let me have my space for a while and let me wallow in my sorrows. I really don't want to explain the story a dozen times.


  1. This is unbelievable. Our prayers are with you. I am so sorry....For sure life is NOT fair!

  2. I have to admit that I'm a bit mad that you didn't tell us sooner. We could have all been praying (and fasting) since you found out. We are your friends and family, we care, and that is what we are for.

  3. Wow that is crazy Grandma if I new that sooner I would be praying and fasting for the rest of the week and as long as I would have needed to.

  4. I can't believe that! I am so sorry. We will be praying for you!

  5. Oh boy! Is he old enough and has he worked for the state long enough to take a retirement? I am so sorry. Hope it all works out. You will figure something out.

  6. This will be a good thing. I was laid off last November (on your birthday) and I was stressed thinking it was the end of the world. I can honestly say that it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

    I'm now in a position where I'm much much happier, got a bit of a pay raise, and the people are fantastic. I'm confident Dad will find something better, and he'll be much happier. I have to say that the 5am bus thing was pretty lame.

  7. I have to agree with Jaron. Things WILL turn out for the best. They ALWAYS do. Let me know, I have a spare bedroom! Just kidding. Our prayers are with you. Things will work out. Trust in God. He knows best.
