Monday, March 30, 2009

Finding a New Relative

Yesterday my parents and I went to Walnut Creek, California to see a relative on the Buckley side. She and I are second cousins. It was great to chat and share family history information. I have some pictures she doesn't have and she has some pictures I don't have. Here's a picture of my Grandpa Buckley (Ellwood) and his sister, Vera. Family history is so much fun!


  1. Wow! Thats interesting to know. I hope we can learn more about our ancestors and our family.
    Adia Sommer

  2. I am so happy that you decided to blog. I can't wait to see what you share with us.

  3. Hope you don't come up with any skeletons in the closet. So far the ancestors have been of "good stock".
